In regards to the 5th Agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated 22 May 2017 namely Approval for Changes in the Structure of the Company’s Board of Commissioners:
One of which is to discharge honorarily Independent Commissioner, Jo Denie; and to appoint Jo Denie as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner; his biography is as follows:
Indonesian citizen. Born on 28 March 1968. Previously, he was Deputy Director and Corporate Secretary of PT Indonesia Air Transport Tbk (2008-2011), President Director of PT Datakom Asia (2007-2011), and Commissioner of PT Pegasus Capital (2007-2010), Associate Director of PT Bhakti Securities (2004 - 2008), Director of PT Agung Securities Indonesia (1999-2004), Operation Manager of PT Intisekuriti Investama (1995-1999), Finance and Accounting Manager of PT Ranita Cemerlang (1991-1995), and Auditor of Joseph Susilo Public Accountant Firm, Jakarta (1990-1991). Earned his MBA degree from California State University, Fullerton, USA (1994). Presently, he is one of the Directors of PT Sriwijaya Air.
Jo Denie does not affiliate to the other member of Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors and major stakeholders.